
It should be noted that the 2 morphologies that involve 2 words (-t d- -> -d d- and -d/t y- -> ch-) are applied whenever that pattern appears in sentences and therefore, is possible at a moments notice.

emphatic mutations
  • sC- -> shC- emphatic
  • d- -> z-> emphatic
  • word + -ee -> -ay emphatic
  • word(most meaningful part) + -o -> noun dimiunitive emphatic
  • word + -y -> adjective diminunitive emphatic
GAE to Melungeon
  • -tion -> -shin
  • -cence -> -sints
  • -ium -> um
  • -ment -> -men
  • -ight / -ide -> -ite
  • -ide -> -ie
  • -al -> -(s)us
  • -ious -> -ers
  • -ful/-able -> -ubble
  • negation im-/in-/un- -> on-/in-
  • -wise -> -weys
  • adverbs of time/place -> -s
  • -wards -> -erds
  • -ness -> -tyur
  • hire /aer/ or hour /our/ -> harr /ahuhr/
  • dV -> jV
  • initial/medial (-)th- -> omitted
  • w- -> omitted
  • -VtV- -> -VdV-
  • -d -> -t
  • -C(t/d) -> -C
  • -l(C) -> -h(C)
  • -sk -> -s
  • -t d- -> -d d-
  • -d/t + y- -> ch- (except in -ture -> -tyur)
  • unstressed medial schwa OR -er- -> omitted
  • initial schwa -> omitted
  • word + -sum -> (producing) adj
  • word + -ish/-luk -> adj
  • noun/verb + -men -> (resultant) noun
  • fuh + adj -> semi-explicit adverb
  • be- + adj and/or adj + -fy -> causitive verb
  • a'- + verb + -in'un -> agent noun
  • word + mannuh -> abstract quality noun
  • de idy er + adjective -> abstract idea noun
  • de ac er + verb -> abstract verbal noun
  • de fashun er + word -> abstract condition noun


Here are the mutations, based on scotch gaelic, which impart an aspect-like meaning onto their nouns. When appended to the end of their word, an additional -o is usually added, ie sun -> sunizzo.

uh er ih

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