Museum Language of Appalachia
Grammar and Vocabulary
Melungeon Flag:
- Q: What is Melungeon?
- A: Melungeon is a museum language that emcompasses the breadth of Southern Appalachian American language
- Q: Which languages influenced Melungeon?
- A: Besides Appalachian English, Melungoen has influences from: Ulster-Scotch, African American Vernacular English, GullaH, Southern American English, Irish, Afro-Seminole Creole, Cherokee
- Q: Who speaks Melungeon?
- A: All are welcome and encouraged to speak and preserve Melungeon. Despite global influences, the Melungeon homeland is the Southern Appalachian mountians, so it is the native museum language of all Southern Appalachians.
- Q: What is a Museum Language?
- A: A museum language is a language that disregards its own timeline and emphasizes the use of its most unique/characteristic features, removing influences from prestigue languages, in an effort to preserve its cultural and linguistic traits. Museum languages are not spoken lagnuages; they use dialectal features at emphatic frequencies. Appalachians will use and/or be famiular with most of the features, but are unlikely to have used them all at once.